CWA Local 9588 Updates

Joe Beirne Scholarship Program
Sixteen partial college scholarships of $4,000 each are being offered for the 2024-2025 school year. Winners, selected in a lottery drawing, also will receive second-year scholarships of the same amount contingent upon satisfactory academic accomplishment. Part-time students, less than 12 credits, will receive half of the scholarship monies.

Woman’s Committee & MAP Coat Drive
Thanks to your generous donations, the Women’s Committee/MAP in partnership with CF Fitness and Dare U to Care were able to donate close to 1200 warm coats to those in need in the Los Angeles and Inland Empire Regions

Executive Officers Meetup in Pomona
This Friday, January 12th, Executive Officers Jimi Brubaker, Omar Martin Del Campo, and Thomas Ham will be meeting at the Phillips Yard in Pomona to meet up with members from that location. So please join us and be prepared with any questions you have for them.

Attention Rialto and San Bernardino City Unified School District Guest Teachers!
The bargaining committee is set to meet soon to assess the current contract and strategize for the upcoming negotiations. As we work on this collective bargaining agreement, we invite employees to contribute by sharing their requests upfront. Please email with any suggestions, concerns, or demands you would like considered for inclusion in the next contract.

Holiday party toy donations for Santa Claus, inc.
Huge thanks to everyone who joined our Holiday Toy Drive! This year, we spread joy with close to 100 donated toys for children in need in the Inland Empire.

Rialto Unified Guest Teachers Reopener is Ratified
The bargaining committee convened with the Rialto Unified School District on November 29th and successfully reached a Tentative Agreement on compensation. Additionally, they secured the continuation of the stipend for those who work more than 100 days in a school year. Furthermore, an agreement was reached on a Memorandum of Understanding, enabling certificated employees in the upcoming school year to undergo training while receiving a significant stipend for the training days.

New Shirts in Stock
Get ready for Red Thursday with a new shirt! These t-shirts are the perfect way to stand out and show your support for CWA. Hurry and contact your steward or mobilizer before they run out!
Build Better Broadband
Americans need high speed, affordable broadband to work, learn, shop and succeed in the world today, but millions of us don’t have reliable internet access.
The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program provides a once in a generation opportunity to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality broadband internet connections. The federal law contains strong guidelines for building broadband, but gives states options on how to implement the buildout.

CWA Stands with UAW Workers in Sacramento
The Communications Workers of America (CWA) stands in full support and solidarity with the 150,000 members of the UAW as their contracts at the Big Three automakers expire and they prepare to go on strike.