CWA 9588 Committees

  • It is the duties of the Budget Committee to prepare and present an annual budget by the last membership meeting of the Local’s fiscal year which ends on September 30th, and in any Local election year it will be the option of the new incoming Local President to submit an amended budget to the Budget Committee, which will be presented to the membership in January.
    Chair: Nathan Musicant

  • It is the duties of the By-Law Committee to meet and review any proposed By-Law changes on a semiannual basis.
    Chair: Omar Martin Del Campo

  • Shall conduct all nominations, elections, and referendums of this Local.
    Co-Chairs: Janet Fields & Nathan Musicant

  • Shall assist in developing the Local’s educational program and with the Local’s Executive Officers, be responsible for effectuation of the Union’s educational program.
    Chair: Jimi Brubaker

  • It is the responsibility of the Equity Committee to resolve any problems that arise concerning the members of Local 9588, involving issues outside of the Labor Agreements as negotiated.
    Chair: Danny Rodriguez

  • Shall assist in developing and pursuing the program to register each qualified voter. (Get Out the Vote, Member to Member, Labor to Labor) 
    Chair: Janet Fields

  • It is the duties of the Members Assistance Program to help the members and their families when living problems such as alcohol and drug abuse, stress, overeating, financial, legal, marital, and other problems affect one's job performance and health.  The MAP program is a voluntary program of help.  Its main objectives are early identification, referral to community resources and concerned follow up.  The MAP program offers assistance and education to the total membership.  
    Chair: Willetta Howell

  • Shall accept or reject membership applications in accordance with the By-Laws and rules of this Local and the Constitution and policies of the Union.
    Chair: Omar Martin Del Campo

  • Shall assist the Local Executive Officers and Stewards in organizing within the Local’s jurisdiction.
    Co-Chairs: Robert Capps & Thomas Ham

  • It is the duties of the Safety Committee to maintain an effective safety program at the Local, Council and National levels.
    Chair: Russell Brassfield

  • It is the duties of the Women’s Committee to raise issues of special concern to women and to develop programs and strategies that make women’s issues a priority in the workplace and community. Shall assist Union members and their families in times of need, and shall establish and coordinate community activities of the Local.
    Chair: Wiletta Howell (Jada)