ACTION NEEDED: AT&T is at it again - AB 470
From Yvonne Melton-Torres: We have all heard the chant "When WE Fight, WE Win, today I want to let you know that we are in a fight against AT&T! They have introduced a bill that would eliminate AT&T's obligation to provide Telephone Service to every home and business in its territory. I ask you, what do CWA Locals do best - We Fight! I am calling on everyone to take a stand against this greedy corporation and get into the fight - because this time"We will have to Fight to WIN"!
What can we do?
On March 19, 2025, There will be a "Preliminary hearing" on AB 470 (McKinnor) This is AT&T's Bill on Carrier of last resort at the Communications and Conveyance Committee. This Action Network will connect you to each of the 10 Assembly Communications and Conveyance Committee members offices - Please let the office's know that you want the Committee members to join you in Opposing AB 470. This bill is a job killer for our members and Californians who need reliable telephone services. AT&T must continue to meet the needs of Seniors, Farmers, Underserved and Unserved communities.
Last year AT&T petitioned the CPUC to absolve them from being the Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) and Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC). The CPUC rejected the petitions with prejudice, and opened a "Rulemaking Proceedings" to review the rules - The CPUC Opened "Rulemaking Proceedings" to consider changes to the Carrier of Last Resort rules. This proceeding is Rulemaking (R.) 24-06-012. We are also asking for you and your members/ activists' to plan to attend these Public Participation hearings in person and by phone.